Metsä Bench

Exploring how to utilise wonky wood that is unconventional in furniture.

“My first taste of a live project came in the form of ‘Rewilding Waterhall’. Waterhall was formerly a golf course but is now a nature reserve looking to restore rare chalk grassland and improve the habitats for local wildlife. Upon visiting the site, it was clear that a large portion had been overtaken by scrubland (intertwined and dense low trees and bushes), and workers were clearing what they could, but the by-product was being burnt. This challenged me to contain and utilise this wonky wood that conventionally doesn’t get used in furniture making. The outcome was a trestle-like structure that could hold any shape of wood amazingly, no matter how twisted it had become, and then the CNC cutting allowed for a human impression on this natural-looking piece.”


Metsä Chair


Konstruktio Lounge