Kudos Bench

This bench encapsulates 116.2m²  of discarded textiles from the Emmaus charity organisation.

“The creation of this bench stemmed from a project working with the Emmaus charity organisation and their project in Brighton. Emmaus work towards helping people move away from homelessness by providing a home, training and work opportunities at their sites. We visited this site looking at surplus materials from donations that help run their ‘second-hand superstore’, and textiles proved problematic for them. Clothing stained and torn couldn’t be sold in the shop, and bedding couldn’t be sold; therefore, bags upon bags of textiles had been accumulated.

Following the same ethos of the Romu stool, I looked to bring together all these varied disregarded textiles and look to a bigger picture of its new possibilities. The components of the bench were all free; the frame was made from coppice wood legs and an offcut of 3x2 timber from a building site; then, textiles were reclaimed from Emmaus. This project showed me again that value can permanently be reinstated through craftsmanship.”


Konstruktio Lamp


Romu Stool